The Project to Strengthen the Fight against Corruption

One of the activities in the framework of fighting against corruption is the implementation of the project  „Strengthening the Fight against Corruption by Increasing General Awareness of the Public Sector Focusing on Judges, Prosecutors and Public Administration“ supported by EEA Grants 2014 – 2021. The project is carried out from August 1, 2020 until October 31, 2023. The implementer is the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic; the Supreme Public Prosecutors‘ Office and Judicial Academy are the partners of this project.

The aims of the project are to improve awareness of complex corruption-related problems within the Czech Republic; to prepare foundation for creation and strengthening the judges´ and prosecutors´ codes of conduct; to improve whistleblowers´ protection; and to increase the public sector´s (judges, prosecutors and public service employees) awareness of the issues concerning corruption. The project target groups are judges, prosecutors, public service employees and general public.

The key project activities include the preparation of comparative studies, the organization of international conferences and workshops, the drafting of methodologies and subsequent trainings of the target groups, the implementation of a new statistical analysis on whistleblowing and a media campaign focused on whistleblowing.

Within the project, the Ministry of Justice has organised the following conferences:
International Conference “Strengthening the Fight against Corruption: Whistleblowing” 17‑18 January 2023
International Conference “Strengthening the Fight against Corruption: Conflict of Interests” 19‑20 January 2023
International Conference “Strengthening the Fight against Corruption: Moral Dilemmas of Judges and Prosecutors” 19‑20 June 2023

Within the project, the Ministry of Justice has published the following comparative studies:
Comparative Study on Whistleblower Protection
Comparative Study on Conflicts of Interest
Comparative Study on Codes of Ethics for Judges and Public Prosecutors

Within the project, the Ministry of Justice has published the following brochures:
Whistleblower protection brochure
Conflict of interest of public officials brochure
Codes of ethics for judges and prosecutors brochure

Within the project, the Ministry of Justice has published following press releases:
Ministerstvo spravedlnosti zahájilo realizaci projektu „Zintenzivnění boje proti korupci zvyšováním povědomí veřejného sektoru se zaměřením na soudce, orgány činné v trestním řízení a veřejnou správu“
Dnes začala dvoudenní konference k whistleblowingu podpořená z fondů EHP 2014-2022
Diskuse o boji proti korupci pokračují druhou konferencí na téma střetu zájmů podpořenou z fondů EHP 2014-2022
Probíhá dvoudenní konference k problematice morálních dilemat soudců a státních zástupců podpořená z fondů EHP 2014-2022
Ministerstvo spravedlnosti spustilo mediální kampaň na podporu informovanosti o ochraně oznamovatelů protiprávního jednání
Ministerstvo spravedlnosti úspěšně ukončilo realizaci projektu „Zintenzivnění boje proti korupci zvyšováním povědomí veřejného sektoru se zaměřením na soudce, orgány činné v trestním řízení a veřejnou správu“

Název Velikost Ke stažení
Press Release 549,77 KB
The Project to Strengthen the Fight against Corruption 420,94 KB
The Project to Strengthen the Fight against Corruption 12/2022 203,09 KB

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