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Strengthening the Fight against Corruption: Conflict of Interests

On 19 and 20 January 2023, a two‑day international conference titled “Strengthening the Fight against Corruption: Conflict of Interests” and with the participation of international speakers took place in Hotel Hermitage Prague. The topic of the conference was conflict of interest i.e., a situation where the private interest of a public official comes into conflict with the public interest.

Holding the conference is one of the important activities of the project “Strengthening the Fight against Corruption by Increasing General Awareness of the Public Sector Focusing on Judges, Prosecutors and Public Administration”, which is supported by the EEA Grants 2014-2022 under the programme “Good Governance”. The financial support from the EEA Grants allows all participants to address the topics dealt within the project in greater depth. The individual outputs of the project thus contribute to a better understanding of the challenges, help to implement effective measures and at the same time raise awareness of the issues to the public. The project partners of the Ministry of Justice are the Prosecutor General’s Office and Judicial Academy.

Programme: International Conference “Strengthening the Fight against Corruption: Conflict of Interests” 19-20 January 2023 (downloadable)

Comparative Study on Conflicts of Interest (downloadable) that was presented at the conference.

Presentations of individual speakers of the conference sorted according to the conference programme (downloadable):
Panel 1
Conflict of interest conference, panel 1, presentation on Respecting the rules and society’s trust in politics and in the performance of public administration, Dvořáková Vladimíra
Conflict of interest conference, panel 1, presentation on Respecting the rules and society’s trust in politics and in the performance of public administration, Bureš Radim

Panel 2
Conflict of interest conference, panel 2, presentation on the Comparative study on conflict of interests, Král Kristína
Conflict of interest conference, panel 2, presentation on the Comparative study on conflict of interests, Dupák Jan

Panel 3
Conflict of interest conference, panel 2, presentation on Declarations of public officials (including content auditing), Krupová Tereza
Conflict of interest conference, panel 2, presentation on Conflict of interest in local politics, Nevyjel Jan

Panel 4
Conflict of interest conference, panel 4, presentation on Legal regulation of conflict of interests in the Czech Republic, Krupová Tereza
Conflict of interest conference, panel 4, presentation on Introduction of legislation regulating conflict of interest in selected countries, Novakovic Natasa
Conflict of interest conference, panel 4, presentation on Introduction of legislation regulating conflict of interest in selected countries, Willems Luc

Panel 5
Conflict of interest conference, panel 5, presentation on Conflict of interest in public procurement from the perspective of the public sector, Fidler Vlastimil
Conflict of interest conference, panel 5, presentation on Conflict of interest in public procurement from the perspective of the non-profit sector, Leyer Petr
Conflict of interest conference, panel 5, presentation on Conflict of interests’ case studies, Konieczny Janusz

Panel 6
Conflict of interest conference, panel 6, presentation on Conflict of interests in the process of providing subsidies, Bureš Stanislav
Conflict of interest conference, panel 6, presentation on Foreign experience with focus on trusts, Hubočan Naďa

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